1.Register electronically by clicking the E Registration tab under events.  Complete the electronic form and you will receive an email confirmation.  You will receive another email in the upcoming weeks  for the waivers, permissions, and authorizations. Quick and Easy.

2. Manual Registration -  Review, download and complete the registration packet by using the registration button below or using the tab under events labeled, 2019 Conference Registration.   The forms may be emailed or faxed once completed

  • Fax to 310-362-8846

All report cards, and reference letters ( new attendees only), should be emailed or fax before July 15th.  Agape Letters should be personally penned and can be brought to the orientation. 

 Pay the $250  Conference registration fees before the increase on July 2, 2019:

  • Chase QuickPay via Zelle by text request to 424-CEO-2009 or call. Provide your name and email address, and total fees due.

  • U.S Mail to: Latasha Wells Amerson Leadership Institute C/O Law Office of Latasha Wells Amerson         2271 Torrance Bl. #2 Torrance, CA 90501

3. Attend Orientation TBD.  Location to be announced.

4. Await the Experience!

Latasha Wells Amerson Leadership Institute

Two Ways to Register

2019 Summer Youth Conference - August 8-11, 2019

Palomar Mountain, California 

Boardroom Leadership Academy